That which changes not

The ambience around me changes, so does my response

They whom I trust changes, so do they whom I disbelieve

The friends of today change, so do the foes of yesterday

Yet I seek that which changes not

The intensity of struggle to live changes, so does my zeal to live

The moments of happiness change, so do the states of gloom

That which pains me changes, so does that which enthuses me

That which awes me changes, so does that which repulses me

Yet I long for that which changes not

My certainty of the true changes, so does my incertitude of the false

My possessions change, so does what I desire

My moments of hope change, so does the times of despair

Yet I strive to seek that which changes not

My perceptions change, so do my conceptions

My intentions change, so do the motivations

My understanding changes, so does my worldview

My beliefs change, so does what defines me

Yet I crave that which changes not

That which changes not is the mind rooted in equanimity

Observing dispassionately all that which changes

About kcavatar

A 21-year old BE (Aerospace Engineering) graduate from PEC, Chandigarh, (previously Mechanical Engineering at National Institute of Technology, Srinagar). I have a great fascination for learning, getting enlightened about the ever-changing scenario of the world. Crave to do the fullest to bring tremendous changes to bring the virtuous world back.
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