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That which changes not

The ambience around me changes, so does my response

They whom I trust changes, so do they whom I disbelieve

The friends of today change, so do the foes of yesterday

Yet I seek that which changes not

The intensity of struggle to live changes, so does my zeal to live

The moments of happiness change, so do the states of gloom

That which pains me changes, so does that which enthuses me

That which awes me changes, so does that which repulses me

Yet I long for that which changes not

My certainty of the true changes, so does my incertitude of the false

My possessions change, so does what I desire

My moments of hope change, so does the times of despair

Yet I strive to seek that which changes not

My perceptions change, so do my conceptions

My intentions change, so do the motivations

My understanding changes, so does my worldview

My beliefs change, so does what defines me

Yet I crave that which changes not

That which changes not is the mind rooted in equanimity

Observing dispassionately all that which changes

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The troubling duality

Of the mind we say, stands without props

So does the body claim and the same

for the spirit, the Aatmaa.

The multitudes of the transitory states

Beneath all stays the same.


What power do the stream of thoughts hold

That it shakes us deep within, fissures it creates

Whilst there are none, duality it seeks

Leading astray from the hard-earned equanimity,

Oh! the irony, it itself persevered to attain.


Of what use is thinking when its

only intention is to instigate duality

For the tranquility is not a minute’s work

But the work of a dexterous craftsman

Who toils and toils for just a fresh breath.


Of what differences do we talk

When the same Sameness permeates all

The mind plots and it does it so well

Differences it desires whilst there exists none

For everything is merged in Shiva.



—– Click here to download in PDF —-

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Success is Counted Sweetest

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson


Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne’er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.

Not one of all the Purple Host
Who took the Flag today
Can tell the definition
So clear of Victory

As he defeated – dying –
On whose forbidden ear
The distant strains of triumph
Burst agonized and clear!

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To The Altar of Peace

I have sought refuge in you every moment

When the perception of life and living thrives in me

I have put in you my “self” every instant

Till the feeling of consciousness resides in me


I have defended you every second

When marauders of the world tried to ravage you

I have lifted you to the highest pedestal every minute

Whenever a clash between hope and doubt ensued


I pieced together every bit of you into a formidable force

Whenever they crushed you down to a pile of pieces

I kept you above every other doubt that sprung up

When they spread slanders about you


(to be continued)


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It’s Better

It’s better to strive to seek the Absolute

Than to fancy the gifts of afterlife

It’s better to meditate on the virtues of rationality

Than being devoured by the monsters of irrationality


It’s better to live in the dreams of tomorrow

Than be surrounded by them who won’t let us dream

It’s better to bask in the fantasy of tomorrow

Than living in the reality of today


It’s better to realize after all we are fallible

Than setting about proving the otherwise

It’s better to create a revolution within

Than seeking to transform the without

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The Scattered Pearls

Never seek those pearls
They always remained unclaimed
Many trod upon them but
None cared to take cognizance of
Those pearls; the gems of love
Of truth, of nobleness.
So queer it’s; qualities don’t qualify
To be regarded, to be adopted.
And those pearls beholding the Divine
Lay downtrodden.

Never behold those pearls
B’coz they would make humans humane;
The brightness emanating would
Eradicate all their abnormalities
Their perverted world, where
Sins are cultivated in gardens, where
Destruction is pleasurable but
Bonding, a forbidden act.
Where in the world of hypocrisy, genuineness wins.

Click to download in PDF format:  The_Scattered_Pearls

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That appearances can be deceptive,
Just as dark clouds do not guarantee rain.
That smiling faces conceal lots of anguish within,
Just as sparkling diamonds are just carbon within.

That pain is the synonym of pleasure,
Just as peace and war are synonyms in the contemporary world.
That advancement of technology simply means more killing
Just as security clears the path for more insecurity.

That sadness and happiness are
Just as internodes and nodes of a cane.
That clouds rain and eyes shed tears
Just to alleviate their afflictive burden.

That the conscience of a noble and an ignoble man is the same,
Just they pay heed to it differently.
That the leaders of today are merely pleaders
Just because people are becoming less gullible.

That to live requires diplomacy
Not just simplicity and probity.

Click here to download this poem in PDF format….

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Intense Love Concept

Hi readers, I am working on this particular theme. I shall post it soon.

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Pain and Pleasure – Aren’t they Siamese twins?

Hi friends, I am back with this particular novel theme of mine. Chums, I would like to shed a beam of similarity on these two apparently differing guys : pain and pleasure. I firmly believe in the reality of the inseparable and closely-knitted association between the contrasting duo. See friends, let me elaborate on this with a simple example to prove my stand. Visualise yourself at an amusement park (in Indian scenario), you do naturally fall for a camel or a horse ride, don’t you? We are filled with exhilaration during the ride while the camel is subjected to an excruciating experience. This event compels me to ask you to cite me an instance where moments of pain and pleasure donot coexist concurrently. The most conspicuous thing is – “In pain, we seek pleasure and in pleasure, we seek pain”. It is a truth none can deny.

The fact which poses to be gigantically inscrutable to me is the infallible propensity of human beings to be sadistic; which is more of a innate virtue than a propensity as I previously stated. They take pleasure in inflicting pain. They hurt others, they kill others, they oppress others and whatever not. Those devilish virtues – how could they become humans??

I am still working on it, friends.

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On Relationships


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